Friday, August 28, 2009

I am "the people"

Growing up my brothers were responsible for collecting the garbage from around the house on garbage night and taking out. If my brothers didn't do it or weren't around to do it, my Dad usually took over the chore. After my brothers and I moved out, my dad asked my sister to collect the garbage from around the house one night and she replied with "Don't the people do that?"

Since I have been both a daughter and now a mom, I realize the sincerity of her response. Until you are a mom, (Maybe even a dad--maybe not. But that is a whole new post) do you really realize and appreciate everything your parents did for you. As a child, you don't pay attention to all the chores being done around you--laundry, cleaning, dishes, etc.--but they get done. As a parent, you become "the people."

In my house, I am the laundry doing, sheet changing, dish washing, toy cleaning, diaper changing, "I'm going to pull my hair out if I have to clean this living room up one more time" people. But I am also the boo boo kissing, cuddle up and reading, Barbie and tractor playing, arm tickling when you tuck me in at night people.

I have become "the people" and I wouldn't change that for the world!!!

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