Eight years ago my life changed forever--I was given the gift of motherhood and all the joys that come with it.
After Jenna was born, I remember holding her and looking into her eyes amazed at how perfect she was. I remember her infancy like it was yesterday. I remember toting her car seat around, cuddling her after baths, and staring at her face amazed at how much I had been blessed with this tiny bundle. I couldn’t wait for her to walk, and talk. I couldn’t wait to take her hand and show her the world.
But now it seems merely a blink has morphed her into a beautiful little lady. Now she is leading me places and showing me the world. It amazes me how fast Jenna has grown and matured. Just as she grows, I too grow as a person. She has taught me to be a better person, she has taught me to WANT to be a better person. She inspires me every day to be brighter, kinder and better.
One of my greatest joys has been watching Jenna grow into the little lady she is becoming. She loves to laugh and be silly, is a very loving, kind person, a wonderful role model for her younger brother and sister, and beautiful inside and out!
I want you to be the very best you—don’t ever sell yourself short.
I want you to succeed and be happy—always keep in mind what makes you happy and do it.
I want you to remember to enjoy life and the wonderful moments in it.
I want you to remember you are perfect just the way you are—you are more than I could ever ask for.
I want you to remember I love you—always and forever.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY GIRL… The world is a better place with you in it, and I am so honored, blessed and grateful to be your mommy.