About two weeks ago, when I was dropping Carter off at preschool, his teacher took a look at Mary Ava’s self-chosen outfit and said, “Boy, I can tell you’re a character.” After admitting that I can’t really come up with words to describe my precious THREE year old, she replied, “Well you got the rest of the year to think of a description for me.”
I didn’t really know how to respond to this. At the time I just kind of laughed it off, and I must admit, I was even a little offended. But even still, it made me think. Why can’t I come up with words to describe my not so little anymore bundle of joy?
Mary Ava was my easiest baby. She didn’t cry unless she was hungry, needed to be changed or was being picked on by one of her siblings. She was easy going and smiled at everyone. But after that first go with the flow year, she began to change. She morphed into a child with a STRONG opinion. A child that wouldn’t do anything she didn’t want to and everything she did. Right after her first birthday, before her vocabulary developed beyond a handful of words, Mary Ava began squealing and growling at anyone and everything if things didn’t go her way. I never thought I would have to tell my beautiful little lady to “Stop growling.” Now that she has many words, she doesn’t growl any longer, but she still practices her squeal whenever she can and has no problem letting her brother and sister know when they have pushed their luck.
At times, Mary Ava can be the sweetest, most thoughtful child but she can also give you a look that makes you think she is silently willing your head to pop off your body. Sometimes she will share her last bite of a special treat with Jenna or Carter and other times, she would rather throw away left over fruit snacks than share them with a sibling.
Mary Ava is feisty and full of opinion, but also loves to please her Mommy and Daddy—she actually gets quite upset when she knows she has done something wrong. She has a way of infuriating me with her “I do it by MESELF” faze, but then looks up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes and says, “You’re the best mommy ever!” She has her own sense of style and coordination, but likes to make sure she looks pretty!
Mary Ava is a smart little girl. She knows her ABC’s, can count, sing songs, and is beginning to learn some letter sounds (That’s a perk to having kids close in age. She is trying to keep up with Carter!) But, and this is a HUGE but, she absolutely refuses to be potty trained.
Really, I could list anecdotes forever, but there’s no need. After really thinking about it for awhile, clearly, I am able to describe my child. Just not in a set in stone way and not with just one or two words. But why should I? I began to realize that at this point in her short little life, I don’t have to come up with words to describe Mary Ava. They will come on their own. As she continues to grow, she will decide who she wants to become and as daunting as the years ahead may seem, I look forward to it.
But for today, I am just going to say HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY to my precious Mary Ava—my easy going but feisty, sweet but devilish, smart but stubborn, crazy but loving, beautiful baby girl. You have brought much joy to our family and I treasure the craziness and fun you have brought to our family. It is a great honor to be your mommy and I will continue to love you no matter who you become!!!